Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Well, I've finally decided to enter the blogging world, so, "Hello!"  Not sure what all will appear on this lovely blog, but I thought meanderings would be an appropriate term, as that is all my mind seems to do these days.  I started to add Melissa, instead of M, but realized it was rather limiting.  Mom and Mother Melissa are several of my other titles, so I guess you can decide what the M is for you.  Please be kind!

Today's mention will be short, sweet, but hopefully, informative.  I've never been a big breakfast eater, especially after the allergy diagnosis, so I'm constantly on the lookout for smoothie recipes or mixes that will be filling, allergy friendly, and let's face it, taste good.  When I have time, I like to make my own smoothies from scratch, but many mornings, especially during the school year, I just don't have time.  Yeah, I know, I could get up earlier, but the reason why I don't is for another day.  Anyway, about a month ago, I found this little gem, and may I say, it's quite delicious.  I usually blend with water, frozen blackberries or raspberries, and right now, chopped fresh peaches, for a great breakfast or post workout treat.  I found it on Amazon (Ah, the amazing Amazon) for less than the website, but check both, as the Vega website many times has great offers.

Happy Day to everyone!  Be sure to enjoy the ride...